A New Way of Thinking

This past week I started my final semester of my undergrad program. Most of my classes have proven to be incredibly challenging already, but have also begun to change my perspective on things. As an English major emphasizing in professional writing, I never thought that I would find myself in a business class. However, with extra credits being needed I looked around to find something that looked interesting. This has brought me to the freshman level Introduction to Entrepreneurship course.

Going into the course I had a broad idea of what I would get out of the class, but after starting I am very excited about what is to come. While I’m not sure that I will ever start or own a business, I do plan on being an entrepreneur. In “A Field Guide for the Hero’s Journey” by Jeff Sandefer and Rev. Robert Sirico, it talks about what it means to be an entrepreneur. It is being someone who thinks outside of the box and takes control of their own lives. In the book Teddy Roosevelt is quoted saying, “cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” I don’t want to leave this Earth without knowing that I stretched myself past what I once thought were my limits. So, while I may not go out and become the next Steve Jobs, I can go out and become the best version of myself possible.

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